Honeywell has come on board as 2014 ISA WWAC Symposium Gold Sponsor

logo_Honeywell_webThe symposium committee is pleased to announce that Honeywell has come on board as a gold sponsor for the 2014 ISA water/wastewater and automatic controls symposium.

We are delighted to welcome Honeywell to our 2014 symposium. In addition to being a sponsor, Honeywell will also be one of our many onsite exhibitors during the symposium.

The 2014 symposium committee is currently soliciting both sponsors and exhibitors for this year’s Aug 5-7, 2014 symposium. More information can be found under the exhibitor/sponsor opportunities section of this website.

Exhibitor booths are priced at $875 and include two full symposium passes. Sponsorships are available at $500, $1500 and $3000 levels, each with increasing levels of exposure. Contact our general symposium chair for more information.

About Kevin Patel

2016 Water/Wastewater Industry Division Director ---- Kevin Patel, PE, MBA is an automation engineer and partner at Signature Automation, which is an automation engineering firm that focuses on system integration, data visualization, and SCADA planning. Signature Automation's core market is within water and wastewater. Contact Kevin Patel at: