Photos from WWAC2016 – awards being given out

After each symposium, the program committee gets together to select the year’s best papers and presentations. In addition to symposium awards, each year the division committee awards one or two volunteer awards.

The winners are then presented an award plaque, provided a reduced attendance rate for the following year, and announced during the following symposium. On behalf of the ISA Water/Wastewater Industry Division and the Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium committees, I am extremely pleased to announce our volunteer awards and our winners that we announced at our 2016 Symposium:


Photos of the award plaque presentations:

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2015 Symposium: Prizes for Best Paper

1st Prize: “All Aboard the SCADA Mothership”
– Patrick Cooke

2nd Prize: “First – Make a Business Case for Cybersecurity”
– Don Dickinson

3rd Prize: “Challenges and Lessons Learned for the Design and Implementation of Large PROFIBUS Network”
– Francisco Alcalá, PE and James Powell, P.Eng.

2015 Symposium: Prizes for Best Presentation

1st Prize: “Getting the Most from Your SCADA Data”
– Emile Richard, CCST

2nd Prize “Achieving Operator Buy-In of High Performance Graphics: Lessons Learned In Lynchburg, Virginia”
– Jason Hamlin and Carter Farley, PE

3rd Prize: “Why HMI/SCADA is Key in Preventing Unplanned Downtime”
– Matthew Wells

2016 WWID Service Awards

2016 WWID Member of the Year
Dan Machado, CCST III
For his many volunteer efforts towards the ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium, including acting as the 2014 symposium honors and awards chairman.

2016 WWID Service Award
David Hobart, P.Eng., CAP
For dedicated service to the ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium as a paper reviewer, moderator and organizing committee member for the past five years.


About GrahamNasby

Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP, CAP is a project manager and automation engineer who lives in Guelph, Ontario Canada where he is the Water SCADA & Security Specialist for the City of Guelph Waterworks. Graham was the chair of the 2012 and 2013 ISA water/wastewater symposiums, and is currently the editor of the ISA Water/Wastewater newsletter. He can be contacted at