ISA water/wastewater division scholarship – record number of applications received

ISA-WWID_2014-scholarship-application_due-Jan31-2014_front-pageThe ISA Water/Wastewater Division is pleased to report we have received a record number of applications for our annual student scholarship program.  With up to $2000 in scholarship money available, the 2014 scholarship applications were due on January 31, 2014.  The scholarship committee is now hard at work evaluating the applications. We are pleased to report we have had a total of 13 applications received.  Scholarship winners will be notified in late-February, and an announcement of the 2014 winners will be made in March/April 2014.   Best of luck to all of those who applied.

Information on the 2015 ISA water/wastewater division student scholarship will be made available later this year.

About GrahamNasby

Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP, CAP is a project manager and automation engineer who lives in Guelph, Ontario Canada where he is the Water SCADA & Security Specialist for the City of Guelph Waterworks. Graham was the chair of the 2012 and 2013 ISA water/wastewater symposiums, and is currently the editor of the ISA Water/Wastewater newsletter. He can be contacted at