Holiday Greetings from the WWID Director, Graham Nasby

On behalf of the ISA Water/Wastewater Division, I would like you wish you and your family a happy and relaxing holiday season.   We here at the division have had a busy year with our annual WWAC symposium, quarterly newsletter, student scholarship and other activities, and we are looking forward to taking a break over the holidays, and we hope that you do to.

holiday-cheerDuring the past 3 years it has been a pleasure to serve as the Director of the WWID.  Thanks to a strong volunteer team, we have been able to revitalize our annual symposium, produce a quality newsletter, and ensure the sustainability of our student scholarship. We have also been able to form strong ties with the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Florida AWWA, the Florida WEA, and the Instrumentation Testing Association, along with other organizations.  Through these partnerships we have been able to take on projects such as presenting high quality webinars, hosting automation-focused technical sessions at conferences like WEFTEC, and promoting the importance of Automation in our sector.  I am looking forward to what our division will accomplish in the years to come!

As my term as WWID Director winds to a close, I would like to welcome our incoming WWID director Kevin Patel and WWID director-elect Pavol Segedy. Both Kevin and Pavol are dedicated volunteers who have been involved in our division for many ears.  They both have a lot of great ideas to bring to our technical division, and I encourage you to reach out to them via our division website at January is our month fo transition: Kevin and Pavol officially take up the reins on January 1st, and I will move into my new role as WWID newsletter editor and the ISA’s VP-elect of Industries and Sciences.

In closing, it has been a pleasure to serve as director for the past 3 years, and I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year ahead!

Warmest Regards,

Graham Nasby

(Water SCADA & Security Specialist, City of Guelph)
Director, ISA Water/Wastewater Division (2013-2015)
VP-Elect Industries & Sciences, ISA (2016-2017)

About GrahamNasby

Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP, CAP is a project manager and automation engineer who lives in Guelph, Ontario Canada where he is the Water SCADA & Security Specialist for the City of Guelph Waterworks. Graham was the chair of the 2012 and 2013 ISA water/wastewater symposiums, and is currently the editor of the ISA Water/Wastewater newsletter. He can be contacted at