Cyber Security webinar video from March 6, 2013 – ISA Water/Wastewater Division

On March 6, 2013 the ISA water/wastewater division held a webinar that discussed cybersecurity threats and techniques for how to manage the risk.  We are pleased to make the webinar available as a video – see frame below.  The raw “wmv” video file and PDF slides are also available.

Webinar: Cyber Security – Application to the Water Sector
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Time: 12:00 to 1:00 pm EST  (starting: 11:00 am Central time, 9:00 am Pacific time)

(click to play video, video hosted by YouTube)


About the Webinar:

Webinar: Cyber Security – Application to the Water Sector
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Time: 12:00 to 1:00 pm EST  (starting: 11:00 am Central time, 9:00 am Pacific time)

This webinar will focus on the ever increasing needs for implementing cyber security strategies for operations involving control systems. It will include a brief overview of the evolution of the cyber threat, the trends in the market as they relate to addressing these issues, and some general recommendations for addressing concerns related to cyber security. Additionally, our presenters will provide insights and perspectives on United States FEMA’s recent National Level Exercise (NLE) 2012.

The NLE is part of a series of US congressionally mandated preparedness exercises that are held each year with the intent of preparing and educating the industry in the event of a catastrophic event on the nation’s infrastructure. Each year, different hazards are examined, and often involving one or more of the nation’s critical infrastructures. In 2012, the NLE examined a national response to a major cyber attack, and it included notional impacts to control systems for several markets, inclusive of water/wastewater. Various levels of government, emergency responders, utilities from several states and software manufacturers themselves were involved in the exercise to help gain an understanding of the potential impacts of, and responses to, a cyber attack.

The presentation will run approximately 45 minutes with a Q&A session held during the last 15 minutes of the Webinar.

Special thanks to our presenters Chris Fogle from Delta Risk and Rick Hidalgo from Signature Automation. The presentation was hosted by Kevin Patel, Director-elect of the ISA water/wastewater division.

Like what you see?  Come to the 2013 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium to hear many other great speakers.

About GrahamNasby

Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP, CAP is a project manager and automation engineer who lives in Guelph, Ontario Canada where he is the Water SCADA & Security Specialist for the City of Guelph Waterworks. Graham was the chair of the 2012 and 2013 ISA water/wastewater symposiums, and is currently the editor of the ISA Water/Wastewater newsletter. He can be contacted at